Exercise, health and well being: an update

I have been working quite hard at my fitness and exercise routine over the last few years. My primary goal was to get fit after a long period of ill-health. I was forced into starting slow as I had lost a lot of physical condition and had also put on a lot of weight. Additionally, I was having relatively frequent ill-health relapses and every relapse seemed to undo all the good work I had put in.

As my first goal was to lose some weight and gain some cardio-fitness I initially focused on running short distances. Well I say running, of course I mean jog, stagger, walk, trot, totter repeat. I did this every second day at first. After what seemed an interminable time I was able to actually run, almost uninterrupted every second day. I was feeling good, my weight started to reduce (partly as a result of an improved diet) and my health really started to improve.

Then my friend Adriana Moretti posted this video on a forum. I wouldn’t say that it was exactly life changing, but I loved it. I was able to start running (short distances admittedly) every day and I am now running and doing a few of these exercises almost every day (I usually skip weekends, because, lazy).

These feminisation exercises won’t achieve the kind of results that say hormones can achieve and frankly I am not interested in that level of body modification, but they certainly do give you a better overall shape. I think I move better and I certainly feel more confident than before. I have even been asked if I am wearing hip padding (I don’t).

This has opened up a new area of interest for me and has made the exercise regime more interesting and rewarding. I am working on targeting certain muscles and muscle groups to give me a better looking body in both male and female mode.  I am always amazed at how much you can change the shape and appearance of your body through focused exercises. Trust me this can be done. You will feel healthier, happier and better about yourself. You can enhance your femininity and make your body look and move in a more feminine manner.

One downside is that the more I run (and despite me deliberately working on not changing my pectoral muscles) the smaller my boobs get. But boobs are relatively easy to enhance and are the one area I allow myself to pad. So that  is ok I suppose.

I challenge all my sisters out there to give this a go. Get flatter abdominal muscles, a better looking butt and sexy legs. You will also fit into your clothes better and this is not to be sneezed at. And if you suddenly drop a dress size (not to brag, but my waist has gone from the upper end of 34 down to the bottom end of a 32) you can go shopping! Of course you need to moderate your diet too. Good luck.

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Nicole Higginbotham-Hogue

Nicole Higginbotham-Hogue is a lesfic author at amzn.to/36DFT2x. Sign-up for her newsletter at higginbothampublications.com